Clothing Manufacturing
Product Development
Skills Development
Retail Supply
Commercial Sales
We are a clothing manufacturing company
We are a company born of passion and has initiated a job creation project which comprise the establishment of the Clothing manufacturing hub / business incubator for the unemployed youth and retrenched skilled workers.
What We Offer
We work with a variety of young professional designers some of which were our Incubatees, and now put into production.
Why Should You Choose Us ?
This concept will create World Class Manufacturing (“WCM”) capacity locally, through rigorous training whilst creating a market through quality and quantity and at the same time enjoying economies of scale in the sourcing of raw material through central buying.
To build capacity for designers and Clothing manufacturing SMME’s and Cooperatives by utilizing the available skills as well as introduction to modern business practices. To introduce the appropriate technologies to improve performances of their business in quantity and quality. To monitor and evaluate growth. Build trade relations with local manufacturers, retailers, distributors.
To improve the technical ability for creative arts individuals and designers incorporating them into the clothing manufacturing processes value chain. Facilitate access to government incentives and funding programs for the acquisition of capital equipment and for the completion of contracts.
Provide mentorship and business coaching. Provide skills for clothing manufacturing across all processes.
Meet Our Leadership Team
We have a dedicated team who always make sure that our designs stay fresh and our production is more efficient.